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Inventor Practice (3/7/2001 and 3/9/2011)

On these two days we learned how to use different features. We used the features that involves extruding or making holes. Here below we extruded the square and then used taper to add some angle into the cube. Extruded objects can be given positive or negative taper angle.

Here is the "Angled Cube".

Next we perform an intersect extrusion here below.The intersect extrusion function will perform a Boolean addition and subtraction in one operation. Any part of the sketch profile that overlaps existing geometry will remain.

I know for a fact we are going to this alot in the future.

After that we examined the Mid-plane Extrusion. The mid-plane extrusion function will join, cut, or intersect the selected sketch equal distances in both directions from the selected profile.

I know you can't see it but the extrusion was performed in the middle of  the figure.

Next was revolve, this one was, in my opinion, was the best looking one, it looks amazing and in my spare time, im going to be practicing this feature more. Anyway, revolve is a function that allows the user to extrude a closed profile around a fixed axis up to 360°. The axis can be part of the profile, an existing edge on a part, or one of the axes of the Cartesian coordinate grid. You see it here below.

It looks really cool and its so simple to perform too.
Hole is a function that requires a little memory because it has alot of different sections. The hole function requires a hole center for each instance. All hole centers in a sketch will be auto-selected by the computer when the hole command is initiated. You will have to hold down the shift key to deselect the hole centers that you do not want. Work your way around the block in a clockwise direction initiating the hole function, selecting the appropriate hole center, and identifying the type of hole feature that is needed.
You see here below.

Careful don't fall off!
Loft is another feature that give the detail of bending and figure, almost seem like it was real; in my opinion.
The loft function allows the user to create a solid or surface by blending two or more shapes that are located on different planes. All you have to do is, select in order instead of selecting randomly.
This is easier than all the other ones.
Next is Circular Pattern. This is another of  my favorites, also another one that I am going to be doing in class alot. The pattern function allows the user to make multiple copies of an existing feature in one of three ways. A circular pattern is often used to array a hole around a center axis. An edge on an existing feature can also serve as the center axis.

Next is a dot surface like figure, something that some people used to play with in about 4th grade. The rectangular pattern function allows the user to make copies of an existing feature in one direction, or two directions simultaneously. Existing edges or the axes of the Cartesian coordinate grid must be selected to identify the desired direction(s); Its really cool.

This is one is similar to the one above. But it is on a path, not striaght curved. Some patterned features follow contoured paths.

"RIIING!" Its lunch time, but seriously we made a lunch tray and enhanced it by shelling the little trays. The shell function allows the user to remove unnecessary mass from a feature. The resulting geometry will have a wall thickness that is specified by the user.
Rib, another one that I had problems with because the directions I followed was a little off. But anyway, a rib is a relatively thin flat member that acts as a brace support. It is also referred to as a web. The rib function allows the user to place such a support between two intersecting surfaces.
This next one is amazing, but not by the figure but how I made it. The sweep function allows the user to extrude a closed profile along a path. The path may be open or closed. The profile and the path must exist as two separate sketches.
This one is for anyone who never seen a spring before, its the metal inside most beds and sometimes inside pens. The coil function allows the user to extrude a closed profile along a helical path and around an existing axis. The axis may be an existing edge, a sketched line, or a work axis.
I don't see how we are supposed to use threaded but it looks cool anyways. The thread function allows the user to simulate the appearance of threads on the curved surface of either a cylinder or a hole. The diameter of the cylinder or hole must match the nominal diameter of the desired thread form.
Fillet is french word but I do not know what it means. We used before but never really knew what it was. here is fillet, fillet is a function that allows the user to create a rounded blend where two surfaces meet to form an edge. It should be noted that on an exterior corner, the resulting feature is known as a round. On an interior corner, the resulting feature is known as a fillet.
Using the one above we added chamfer. Chamfer is a function that allows the user to apply an angle surface where two existing surfaces meet to form an edge.
Looking into the mirror, what do see? Yourself right, this one is the exact same concept. Mirror is a function that allows the user to create a mirror image of existing geometry. This function requires an existing feature(s) and a surface or work plane to serve as the mid-plane of symmetry.

Ever see some wedding ring designs? You are going a preview. Emboss is a function that allows the user to raise a design from a surface, or carve a design into a surface. This function requires a feature and a profile, such as the wrist band and text.
Last but not least, is how most people design bottles or cans. Decal is a function that allows the user to place an image onto a model surface. This function requires a feature and sketch, such as the water bottle and the logo graphic.
We learned alot these two days and its fun how these designs and figures are made. If you are going to use inventor, I highly recommended this!!

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